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Assured outcome

Atradius Collections has acquired Pro Kolekt from KF Finance. Pro Kolekt is active in 8 countries in South-East Europe in the collection of outstanding receivables in the B2B market segment. With the acquisition of Pro Kolekt, Atradius Collections strengthens its…

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The family business faces many challenging themes in the next 10 years and offers the new generation precisely the opportunity to realize sustainable ambitions

Patagonia effect in the Netherlands What is coming to the family business? It will not have escaped your notice that after the quiet “interwar” of the Corona era, a multitude of new developments are coming at us at a rapid…

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What is the impact of ChatGPT (AI) on the M&A market?

In November 2022, the ChatGPT platform will be publicly available. The platform was founded by OpenAI and in recent weeks news reports have already come out about possible collaborations with Microsoft. These reports contained much speculation about the possibilities and…

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The tilt of the merger and acquisition market is visible

In the last quarter of 2022, it was already visible that the takeover market was tilting. It was clear that the impact of the war in Ukraine and the ensuing international crisis on the energy market were having an effect…

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The innovative power of the next generation in family businesses; what role does sustainability play?

In more and more family businesses, the children are succeeding the post-war generation and a new generation is taking over. This new generation has a different mindset than the older generation and has grown up in a different era, often…

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Everything is rising, but for how long? Will the merger and acquisition market tilt?

Despite the effects of COVID-19, the merger and acquisition market has shown stable growth in recent years. The economy in the Netherlands is also still strong. Will this change with the recent developments in the energy market?   Rise in…

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Clifton Finance joins Het Nederlands Gilde van Familiebedrijfsspecialisten 

NGFB accession Clifton Finance has joined the recently established Nederlands Gilde van Familiebedrijf specialisten (Dutch Guild of Family Business Specialists) (NGFB). Advisors and specialists from various disciplines and fields have united to form the NGFB. The objective of the NGFB…

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Don’t skate on thin ice

ICE Utility Professionals joins Value8’s interim professionals. This was preceded by a careful and intensive process partly prompted by the corona crisis. The sales process was actually initiated as soon as there was a prospect of market recovery. Due to…

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The innovative power of the next generation in family businesses; what role does sustainability play?

In more and more family businesses, the children are succeeding the post-war generation and a new generation is taking over. This new generation has a different mindset than the older generation and has grown up in a different time, often…

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The innovative power of the next generation in family businesses; what role does sustainability play?

In more and more family businesses, the children are succeeding the post-war generation and a new generation is taking over. This new generation has a different mindset than the older generation and has grown up in a different time, often…

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Family business or private equity: two different worlds

Many transactions in the merger and acquisition market are driven from the widely available capital of private equity funds. Money that should generate returns for the underlying equity providers in a relatively short period of time – about 5 years…

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Balans Schoonmaak acquires Berko Schoonmaakdiensten

Patience is a virtue   After working in cleaning for almost 40 years, the DGA was eager to hand over the business. Together with his spouse Brigitta and several loyal employees, he built up a reliable company. There was great…

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Succession in a Family Business

8 lessons from practice A successful business succession within a family business by the next generation, is never guaranteed. Fortunately, the owner can properly prepare for the acquisition of his business and increase the chances of success. While working as…

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The time is right for new forms of succession in family owned businesses

The impact of business succession on the work-life balance of the next generation is obviously considerable. Within this theme, however, some nuancing has taken place over the past two years. We discussed this with Maarten Vijverberg, partner and specialist in…

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Will the merger and acquisition market break records in 2021?

At the beginning of the year, we wrote in one of our blogs that 2021 would be a good year to sell the company. The figures for the first half of the year very much confirm this.   Market to…

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Family business Gooskens Wood is successfully holding onto its stock. Especially now.

Talking about a successful decision in hindsight is always easy. But reading about it in hindsight can also be instructive. This also applies to the choices made by family-owned Gooskens Hout during the corona crisis. The spruce lumber supplier did…

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Market seems favorable to sell the company in 2021

In the current market, due to the corona effect, we see a decline in the number of merger and acquisition transactions. Unjustified because conditions and prices are excellent. Here’s why:   Rising prices in the stock market It will not…

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Succession of family business: who will follow?

Succession is an ongoing topic of interest within family businesses. After all, who continues the life’s work of parent, grandparent or great-grandparent? A family business is a business that is passed down from parent to child and thus remains within…

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Internationally oriented family business does better

Family businesses often mistakenly think that doing business abroad involves too much risk. The opposite is true. The risks actually decrease when expanding across the border by spreading out sales territories. Companies operating abroad have fared better during the crisis…

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Five reasons for a family business to sell the business.

‘A third of family businesses want to sell business now,’ was the headline in the Financieel Dagblad on December 9. The article referred to a study by ING Economics Bureau, Nyenrode Business University and FBNed. The main reason for selling…

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The crucial voice of shareholders in acquisitions

Research at publicly traded companies The shareholders of a publicly traded company making an acquisition should vote on it. Indeed, greater shareholder involvement in acquisitions can lead to a longer-term focus. This is, in short, the conclusion of Matthijs de…

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Family businesses act faster on acquisition processes

Dealmaking at the kitchen table. How often do you experience signing a sales contract between two family businesses at the kitchen table? I recently experienced it with the sale of Victoria Van Heeswijk to Fransen Gerrits, two wonderful family businesses….

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A new takeover wave? Please wait a bit longer

There has been a huge increase worldwide in the number of announced mergers and acquisitions with enormous values. Are these mergers actually being realized? Is there now a big wave of mergers and acquisitions also arriving in the Netherlands so…

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