Assured outcome

Atradius Collections has acquired Pro Kolekt from KF Finance. Pro Kolekt is active in 8 countries in South-East Europe in the collection of outstanding receivables in the B2B market segment. With the acquisition of Pro Kolekt, Atradius Collections strengthens its market position in this region. A local presence in the market is  essential for Atradius [...]

By |2024-06-10T09:57:43+01:00June 16th, 2023|Blog, Blog|Comments Off on Assured outcome

The family business faces many challenging themes in the next 10 years and offers the new generation precisely the opportunity to realize sustainable ambitions

Patagonia effect in the Netherlands What is coming to the family business? It will not have escaped your notice that after the quiet "interwar" of the Corona era, a multitude of new developments are coming at us at a rapid pace. There are many geopolitical challenges on the global stage. In the Dutch market, themes [...]

By |2024-06-10T09:57:48+01:00April 24th, 2023|Blog, Blog|Comments Off on The family business faces many challenging themes in the next 10 years and offers the new generation precisely the opportunity to realize sustainable ambitions

What is the impact of ChatGPT (artificial intelligence) on the M&A market?

In November 2022, the ChatGPT platform will be publicly available. The platform was founded by OpenAI and in recent weeks news reports have already come out about possible collaborations with Microsoft. These reports contained much speculation about the possibilities and dangers. Over lunch, there was also a lot of discussion about it in our office. [...]

By |2024-06-10T09:58:15+01:00February 3rd, 2023|Blog, Blog|Comments Off on What is the impact of ChatGPT (artificial intelligence) on the M&A market?

The tilt of the merger and acquisition market is visible

In the last quarter of 2022, it was already visible that the takeover market was tilting. It was clear that the impact of the war in Ukraine and the ensuing international crisis on the energy market were having an effect on economic developments. The first half of 2022 showed a prosperous growth in the number [...]

By |2024-06-10T09:57:53+01:00February 1st, 2023|Blog, Blog|Comments Off on The tilt of the merger and acquisition market is visible

The innovative power of the next generation in family businesses; what role does sustainability play?

In more and more family businesses, the children are succeeding the post-war generation and a new generation is taking over. This new generation has a different mindset than the older generation and has grown up in a different era, often more digital and with a different attitude to life and 'work-life balance' (see our blog [...]

By |2024-06-10T09:58:00+01:00February 1st, 2023|Blog, Blog|Comments Off on The innovative power of the next generation in family businesses; what role does sustainability play?

Everything is rising, but for how long? Will the merger and acquisition market tilt?

Despite the effects of COVID-19, the merger and acquisition market has shown stable growth in recent years. The economy in the Netherlands is also still strong. Will this change with the recent developments in the energy market?   Rise in Dutch takeover market in early 2022 The Dutch economy still shows a positive picture in [...]

By |2022-10-21T09:36:34+01:00October 1st, 2022|Blog, Blog|Comments Off on Everything is rising, but for how long? Will the merger and acquisition market tilt?

Clifton Finance joins Het Nederlands Gilde van Familiebedrijfsspecialisten 

NGFB accession Clifton Finance has joined the recently established Nederlands Gilde van Familiebedrijf specialisten (Dutch Guild of Family Business Specialists) (NGFB). Advisors and specialists from various disciplines and fields have united to form the NGFB. The objective of the NGFB is to develop and combine knowledge and expertise. In this way, family businesses in need [...]

By |2022-10-21T09:36:06+01:00September 29th, 2022|Blog, Blog|Comments Off on Clifton Finance joins Het Nederlands Gilde van Familiebedrijfsspecialisten 

Don’t skate on thin ice

ICE Utility Professionals joins Value8's interim professionals. This was preceded by a careful and intensive process partly prompted by the corona crisis. The sales process was actually initiated as soon as there was a prospect of market recovery.  Due to the rapid market recovery, it was important to map out the company thoroughly so that the eventual [...]

By |2022-10-21T09:35:30+01:00September 6th, 2022|Blog, Blog|Comments Off on Don’t skate on thin ice

The innovative power of the next generation in family businesses; what role does sustainability play?

In more and more family businesses, the children are succeeding the post-war generation and a new generation is taking over. This new generation has a different mindset than the older generation and has grown up in a different time, often more digital and with a different attitude to life and "work-life balance". The older generation [...]

By |2022-10-21T09:34:55+01:00May 13th, 2022|Blog, Blog|Comments Off on The innovative power of the next generation in family businesses; what role does sustainability play?

Family business or private equity: two different worlds

Many transactions in the merger and acquisition market are driven from the widely available capital of private equity funds. Money that should generate returns for the underlying equity providers in a relatively short period of time - about 5 years or so. For many family businesses, then, private equity is a far cry from their [...]

By |2022-10-21T09:34:20+01:00January 14th, 2022|Blog, Blog|Comments Off on Family business or private equity: two different worlds