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International transaction guidance

Clifton Finance has extensive experience in international transactions with over half of our practice is conducted on an international basis.

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International acquisitions enhance your capabilities

Feel free to reach out to us to discuss the possibilities for international transaction guidance at your convenience

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The international mergers & acquisition market has shown a remarkable resilience following initial stagnation due to the COVID crisis. Global companies are now more cognizant of business risks, particularly in distribution. The heightened risk associated with complex logistics chains has underscored the importance of regional sourcing over just-in-time delivery models from distant locations. Firms are increasingly favoring local suppliers and acquisitions for vertical integration to mitigate these risks.

Scale becomes more relevant

Price increases of raw materials and transport, but also the limited availability of personnel are important developments. Driven by the increasing challenges and increased risks, consolidation is taking place, especially at an international level.

Concurrently, advancements in digitalization and the adoption of remote work are prompting businesses to remodel their strategies, yielding a positive impact on the global mergers & acquisitions market.

Foreign companies seeking to acquire Dutch enterprises

Because of our deep understanding of the Dutch business landscape and our thorough knowledge of various sectors, we are often approached by foreign companies to analyze the Dutch market and assist them in the acquisition process. We approach acquisitions from a strategic standpoint while ensuring a pragmatic approach at the same time.

Dutch companies are operating more and more internationally

Dutch companies are increasingly crossing the border. They do this by starting activities abroad or by taking over companies. See our blogpost (in Dutch): Familiebedrijf vaker de grens over.

Clifton Finance can play a pivative role in identifying market opportunities and potential targets for our clients, steering their international expansion strategies.

International collaborations

Clifton Finance has been engaging with partners and networks across more than 15 countries in Europe, the Americas, and China, often for over two decades. This extensive network places us in an advantageous position to facilitate international mergers and acquisitions.. We utilize international databases to map out international companies and private equity portfolios.

As a specialized niche area, Clifton Finance has been facilitating international transactions between China and the Netherlands for years in collaboration with Jomec and its partners in China. Jomec is a consultancy firm with over 20 years of experience in advising on China-related matters.

Additionally, we collaborate with Navarre Corporate Finance, a member of the international M&A network Terra Alliance. Terra Corporate Finance Alliance is an international alliance of independent advisory firms for mergers &acquisitions (M&A). Other networks we leverage include M&A World and Arx Corporate Finance.

For approaching parties in Southeast Europe, we have collaborated intensively with Sazun over the past years. Sazun is an example of a partner firm of Clifton Finance in Austria with which we have had a strong and longstanding working relationship. We have such partnerships in all countries of Europe, North and South America, as well as China.

Navigating transactions between China and the Netherlands is complex due to significant cultural and legal differences. These challenges often manifest in the M&A process, from initial introductions to the execution of agreements. Our expertise in Chinese business law, government relations, and language is instrumental in bridging these gaps and ensuring successful transactions.

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