Atradius Collections has acquired Pro Kolekt from KF Finance. Pro Kolekt is active in 8 countries in South-East Europe in the collection of outstanding receivables in the B2B market segment. With the acquisition of Pro Kolekt, Atradius Collections strengthens its market position in this region. A local presence in the market is essential for Atradius customers to be able to approach the debtor in the local language with the right approach. The Atradius Collections network is the most integrated IT infrastructure in the collection industry. Therefore, this means that synergy benefits and further growth can be realized quickly in the event of an acquisition.
Together with the Atradius Collections team, Clifton Finance has established an acquisition strategy based on which suitable companies in various countries have been approached. We worked closely with Sazun to approach parties in South-East Europe. Sazun is a valuable partner office of Clifton Finance with whom we have a good long-term working relationship. This local presence of our partner organization enabled us to find and approach suitable companies for Atradius.
At the same time, Clifton Finance maintained intensive contact with the decision-makers within the Atradius Collections organization in the Netherlands. In this way, a transaction could be realized with the right partner. Clifton Finance supported Atradius Collections in the entire acquisition process, including the acquisition strategy, approach of potential acquirers, as well as the negotiations and structuring of the transaction.